This is the apex level in child development. Here, children are equipped with core life skills, problem solving techniques, contemporary strategies and readiness for adulthood.

The secondary school curriculum focuses on supporting young confident adults to reach their potentials and harnessing their innate propensities which would pave way for making career decisions. Students are impacted with some basic life skills that will propel them to excel in university life and beyond.

We recognize that the personal development of student is vital and as such, we have a platform that promotes skill acquisition, socio-cultural connectivity, high technology competence and sports which are the right tools to excelling in life.

We also foster the idea of external/internal competitions, public speaking, science exhibitions, arts and preliminary politics among the students. The intent is to shun ineptitude and any loop that would mar the students’ chances of excelling in both local and international communities in the future. We also lay sole emphasis on moral scope of the students as we hold good values to great esteem.

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